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Happy 2019!

admin:Entang Deng  Hits:1195

For the upcoming, dawn of the 2019

Happy New Year! Sincerely give the Rich Family and our friend my best wishes, may all your dreams and wishes come true, and may prosperity touch your feet.

Looking back on 2018, what an emotional year for all Chinese. It  was the fortieth anniversary of China's Reform and Opening Up. In that year, we have experienced too much, and it has been called by sociologists as “the Unseen Change”. New Orders of Precedence in China; Sino-US Trade War; Amended Taxation Policy; Stock Market Crash; P2P Credit Crisis; Fake Vaccine Scandal… Every profound story deeply effect the life and future of Chinese people.

The aquatic industry is also undergoing “an Unseen Change”. Aquatic products was listed in the US tariff; Chinese Customs crackdowned seafood smuggling; Fishing quota policy amended, off season expanded; Sea cucumber aquaculture’s high-temperature crash; Lenovo’s investment into aquatic industry; Seafood import tax rate reduced; Sino-Norway Free Trade pushed Norwegian seafood to China.

In 2018, during the Private Enterprise Forum, President Xi Jinping express the promise from Chinese government that will continue to unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-state-owned economy. As the leader of Rich Group, while feeling encouraged, I also feel the weight of social responsibility.

     In the past year, overcame through all unfavored factors, Richers united as one, achieved the objective of revenue progress we set the beginning of the year. Over such harsh and depressed economic factors, we proudly increase our revenue by 50% in domestic section.

In 2018, the strategy of salmon-based products was steadily advanced, and the field was further focused, and the market expansion was fruitful. We attended 2018 Qingdao Seafood Expo, showed the world Richers’ state-of-art products and serve. A profound Strategic Agreement was sign with Dalian Guofu, looking forward to a motivated, bright future. We also speak out our oath to be “the Leading Company of China’s Salmon Products”

Under the harsh background, we will continue to keep clear mind. For a enterprise like Rich Group, unfavored factors are decisive for us to hone and improve ourselves, as long as we focus on our goal, keep reforming to push the upgrade of aquatic industry, we will finally overcome the thistles and thorns, and success will be await ahead.

In the upcoming 2019, Richers’ new industry base will be fully operational, which will be a landmark for Dalian seafood industry, and a new era of Rich Group.

The upcoming 2019 will be the year for our administration-reforming plan, we will focus on “quality, accuracy, detail and rule”. The reforming is planned to affect every inch of the company. I believe the new administration theory shall motivate every member improving efficiency. Rich is meant to be a humanized, detailed, digitalized family-feeling firm.

We will unflinchingly keep our oaths for the coming 2019. The oath of “be your seafood expert for the benefit of your health” will stay unchanged; the oath of “for a happy Rich family” will stay unchanged; the oath of “life for a fish” will stay unchanged; the oath of “humane, sincere, innovative, progressive” will stay unchanged. The oath of “Salmon Spirit-Gratitude, Dedication, Persistent” will stay unchanged. In the coming 2019, we will advance our “New Catering” and “New Retailing” section, dedicate to push the industry upgrading. Invest on R&D, and serve our costumer ‘safe, nutritious, delicious, convenient and enjoyable’ seafood.

Finally, wish you a Happy New Year, sincerely.